Ever wish this life came with a starter pack of extra useful resources?

Whether you're looking for stepmom information, a book recommendation, next-level support resources, or a community to plug into and be reminded you're not alone—this resource library is for you.

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Stepmom Quiz

Whatever headspace you're in these days, it's totally possible to experience more joy and ease in your stepmom role. Take my 5-question quiz to uncover your #1 need so I can support you with the resources + encouragement you need most right now.

Stepmom Reading List

Sometimes the best place to begin your stepmom exploration is right there on your sofa! Take a spin through some of the titles (+ reviews) of resources written by/for stepmoms, and see what jumps out at you.

Here are a few popular stepmom-focused books you might like to check out:

StepMom Magazine is a monthly, online publication just for stepmoms. (I’m a longtime subscriber and a regular contributor!)

Podcast Interviews

Looking for a low-commitment way to connect with other stepmoms? Pop in your AirPods + listen to candid stepmom convos as you walk around your neighborhood or tackle that pile of laundry! 2 great places to start:

The Kick-Ass Stepmom Podcast. (I've been a guest on the show, chatting about my experience with stepmom anxiety.)

Expert interviews inside The Kick-Ass Stepmom Membership. (I've been interviewed twice, along with a variety of legal, relationship, and wellness professionals. It's all included in your membership!)  

Safety & Specialized Support

If you (or someone you know) are in immediate distress, please contact emergency resources:

Interested in therapy? 

If you're experiencing significant challenges within your family, it might help to connect with a professional for specialized support.

Stepmom Community

Curious what's working well for other stepmoms? Want a safe space to bring your questions and soak up the collective wisdom of women who get it? 

You'll find all that-- and lots more-- inside my friend Jamie Scrimgeour's online community, The Kick-Ass Stepmom Membership. (I'm in the Membership, chiming in to conversations often. I've made some of my best stepmom friends there!)

Stepmom Coaching

Want to find more joy, ease, and meaning in your stepmom life? No matter what you're currently navigating, you might benefit from in-depth, strategic guidance from a coach who's been there.

Working together, we'll go deep into the questions that count, get clear on your unique stepmom challenges (+ superpowers!), and create a custom plan to start making your own version of "happily ever after" a reality.