Stepfamily stress is universal. But, it shouldn't dominate your world.

When worry becomes a permanent fixture in your daily life, it crowds out joy, fulfillment, and fun. If you're ready to get a handle on your stepmom stress so you can create meaningful change for yourself and your family, you've come to the right place. 

"Working with Michaela helped bring me from the brink of burnout to a level of peace I didn't think possible.

She really walks the talk, striking this beautiful balance between what is and what could be. Michaela's dedication to helping her clients create meaningful shifts is powerful."   



These days, you find yourself…

  • Spinning out over worries, what if's, and wacky fears that no one else seems to understand 

  • Reliving past hurts and interactions, trying to make sense of where things got off track (and coming up short)

  • Pinballing from one twitchy sensation to the next, unable to simply rest in your body

  • Exhausted, yet wired– constantly on alert for the next stressful situation   

…which leaves you…

  • Feeling depleted, angry, sad, and resentful. Disconnected from the woman you were before you became a stepmom.

  • Avoiding people, places, and circumstances you feel anxious about (and the list is growing by the day!

  • Missing out on enjoying life's pleasures. Even when things are going well, you're waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

  • Burning up all your precious energy trying to manage stress… instead of aiming it at your own projects and passions. 

When you're a stepmom, life can feel like a big game of worry whack-a-mole.

There's so much going on in stepfamily life– so many demands and dilemmas and didn't-see-that-coming's– that it can seem as if you’re constantly navigating uncharted territory. Putting out fires everywhere you look and starting from square one each time.

But the truth is…

Stepmom stress isn’t a rollercoaster. It’s a merry-go-round.

The circumstances may shift, day to day, but your triggers and responses and the way it shows up in your body? Actually quite predictable.

My job is to help you become an expert on your own brand of stepmom stress— not so you can battle it, but so you can learn to collaborate with it. Begin to see it for what it is, why it is, and what it's trying to do for you.

Because when you can manage your response in one stressful situation, you can manage it in ANY stressful situation.

So, that’s where we’ll start.


Stress-Less Stepmom Coaching

A personalized, skills-based coaching program for stressed-out stepmoms.

Get ready to become the ultimate authority on your own brand of stress, so you can put it out of a job.

You'll emerge with a clear understanding of how your stepfamily stressors contribute to your suffering and a skills-based stress-management action plan tailored to your unique needs.

We're gonna go deep into what's holding you back so you can make lasting, meaningful changes.

Find out what your worry's been trying to tell you, and uncover the stepmom superpower behind it.

You'll experiment with new tools and techniques– turning each real-life stressor you encounter into an opportunity to accelerate your progress and experience new ways of showing up in this role.

You won't just talk about making changes; you'll *actually make them*. And as you practice your new skills (with my support), you'll witness yourself transforming into a calmer, happier, more resilient version of you.


Here's why I’m qualified to make them…

Hi! I'm Dr. Michaela Bucchianeri– Stepmom Coach

I've dedicated my working life to wellness. And in my personal life, I've always tried hard to practice what I preach.

But, even though I technically "knew better", nothing could've prepared me for this unexpected role and what it would mean for my own well-being.

Becoming a stepmom rocked my world in just about every way. And while this life brings so much potential for joy and fulfillment… the path to getting there isn't always intuitive.

Now? I'm on a mission to help you create a stepmom identity that's all your own– so you can worry less, shift your energy to whatever lights you up, and start having way more fun.

Stress-Less Stepmom Coaching Investment

Stepmom coaching through The Anxious Stepmom is $250 for an initial 60-minute session. After that, sessions are 55 minutes and cost $200. Together, we’ll determine how many sessions best fit your current needs and goals. Most clients choose to meet weekly for about 3 months. Coaching is not covered by insurance.


Here's how we'll make it happen:

Step 1 | Foundation

Once you book your initial session, we’ll kick things off with a pre-work questionnaire to help you:

  • Share some of your stepmom story so far

  • Reflect on what’s been working well for you (and what hasn’t)

  • Identify your goals for our work together

  • Outline a realistic plan to ensure you're well supported throughout this process

Step 2 | Exploration + Experimentation

During our coaching sessions, we’ll set you up with everything you need to cope with real-life challenges that emerge. You’ll bring your questions, observations, and insights from the past week to each call, and we’ll use these to tailor your skill-building in real time. For example, you’ll:  

  • Learn to effectively shift out of a What if? spiral and redirect your energy more productively 

  • Practice simple techniques for managing distress in the moment  

  • Use your unique stepmom superpowers to anticipate and effectively cope with future stressors

You'll emerge with the tools– and the confidence– to successfully navigate any stepfamily stressor that arises. 

Step 3 | Celebration

As we wrap up coaching, we’ll bring it all together with a celebration of how far you’ve come and a customized plan for where you’re headed next. You’ll:  

  • Identify the essential elements of proactive self-care 

  • Explore advanced communication skills, strategies for seeking support, and realistic techniques for planning ahead without burning (or freaking) out

  • Celebrate the progress you've made and create a sustainable plan to keep the momentum going from here

You'll emerge with a comprehensive, personalized plan for ongoing stress management— and a completely new way of identifying and showing up as a stepmom!

"Michaela combines the lived experience of a stepmom with the specialized expertise of a skilled mental health professional.

When she shares a reflection or asks a question, it isn’t just opinion or the same generic advice you see repeated everywhere. She is absolutely committed to helping her clients transform their lives.”



  • More than anything, your commitment to creating your own stepmom identity is what will make coaching a success. Coaching is an active, personalized process, so the progress you make will be directly linked to the level of curiosity, vulnerability, and commitment you bring to the experience. It also helps to ensure you’re well supported (e.g., by your partner) and able to dedicate at least an hour per week (outside of sessions) to practice the skills you’ll be developing.

  • Coaching isn't covered by insurance. Our initial session is 60 minutes and costs $250. After that, sessions are 55 minutes and cost $200. Together, we’ll determine how many sessions best fit your current needs and goals. Most clients choose to meet weekly and are able to make significant progress in about 3 months.

  • This is one of the many benefits of coaching! Because sessions take place via video call, I’m able to work with stepmoms anywhere in the world!

  • Stepmom coaching is designed for stepmoms who are committed to thriving in their role but are struggling with stress and worry that's getting in the way.

    If you're navigating significant conflict in your family right now– or having difficulty just getting through the day– you might benefit from therapy or another type of specialized support.

  • Whatever your priority is at this stage of stepmom life! Some clients have a primary issue they want to address in coaching; others have several in mind. (Not quite sure? That’s okay! We’ll co-create some goals based on what you share before + during your initial session.)

  • If you’re primarily looking for a place to connect with stepmoms from all over the world, The Kick-Ass Stepmom Community is a great place to start. (I’m in there weekly answering questions, and I also host a monthly live Q+A for members!)

    But, if you’re ready to make meaningful changes to your stepmom identity, with the personalized support and guidance of a specialist, then I highly recommend 1:1 coaching.

    And best of all: You don’t have to choose! Many clients I coach are also community members.

Ready to stress less, stepmom?